The Central Scrutinizer (Again)

Published on Wednesday, 12th January 2022

It was Christmas Eve.


I made the mistake of opening my institutional notifications once last time before logging off. Red, flashing type loomed large in my inbox – an alert from The Central Scrutinizer. They had asked the clients to evaluate my performance for the fifth time since September. This one was a survey of personal reflections on how the client thought I’d responded to the fourth evaluation. I blanched. Not that I hadn’t done my job – I’d repeatedly gone beyond the call of duty to exceed the clients’ expectations, but the Central Scrutinizer asked for more. The clients, so obviously frustrated at having to complete yet another evaluation, described my performance as “lacking the correct level of enthusiasm”; my content as “boring”; my demeanour “aloof, detached”. 

From now on, I would be subjected to a daily check-ins – and the clients would be asked to rate my performance for the day as J K or L


You couldn’t make it up.