Maybe they are not watching!
Published on Wednesday, 12th January 2022
Becoming a lecturer at a new institution involves (among many other things) compliance with systems. Some systems help instil a sense of belonging and may even build respect. Some, however, create loss of trust and a bit of disillusionment. Surveillance includes complying with mandatory completion of several university-wide modules. Having completed a suite of ED&I modules, one feels slightly better informed and at the same time, thankful that that task is done. Roll on a year later. Human Resources have not recorded completion of said modules.
However, line manager believes I completed them, and the case appears closed. I feel good, trusted by the humans.
In comes a repeat of last year, 'there is no evidence that these modules were completed'!
The technology used here, I assumed (wrongly?) created a digital trace. Our data is logged along with triple trillions of other data on each of us who uses these systems. In this case, did the tracing break? Or are the humans not capable of following the trace?