Reading list

Here you will find a list of academic publications relating to surveillance, data, privacy and higher education. If you know of other references that should be here, please email

Acevedo, M. (2018) ‘Virtual Proctoring, the Panoptic Gaze, and the Discourse of Academic Integrity’, Medium, 5 January. Available at: 

Adams, C. (2010) ‘Learning Management Systems as sites of surveillance, control, and corporatization: A review of the critical literature’, in. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), pp. 252–257. Available at: 

Algarni, A. (no date) ‘Data Mining in Education’.Allmer, T. (2019) ‘Academic Labour, Digital Media and Capitalism’, Critical Sociology, 45(4–5), pp. 599–615. Available at:

Bali, M., Cronin, C. and Jhangiani, R.S. (2020) ‘Framing Open Educational Practices from a Social Justice Perspective’, Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2020(1). Available at:

Beetham, H. et al. (2022) ‘Surveillance practices, risks and responses in the post pandemic university’, Digital Culture & Education, 14(1). Available at:

Bouwma-Gearhart, J. and Collins, J. (2015) What We Know About Data-Driven Decision Making In Higher Education: Informing Educational Policy and Practice. 2805154. International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences. Available at: 

Brown, M. and Klein, C. (2020) ‘Whose Data? Which Rights? Whose Power? A Policy Discourse Analysis of Student Privacy Policy Documents’, The Journal of Higher Education, 0(0), pp. 1–30. Available at:

Brucato, B. (2013) ‘From accountability policy to surveillance practices in higher education’, in The Surveillance-Industrial Complex: A Political Economy of Surveillance. Routledge, p. 158.

Brunner, L.R. (2022) ‘Higher education institutions as eyes of the state: Canada’s international student compliance regime’, Globalisation, Societies and Education, 0(0), pp. 1–16. Available at:

Burrows, R. (2012) ‘Living with the h-index? Metric assemblages in the contemporary academy’, The Sociological Review, 60(2), pp. 355–372. Available at:

Collier, A. and Ross, J. (2020) ‘Higher Education After Surveillance?’, Postdigital Science and Education, 2(2), pp. 275–279. Available at:

Collins, H.J., Glover, H. and Myers, F. (2020) ‘Behind the digital curtain: a study of academic identities, liminalities and labour market adaptations for the “Uber-isation” of HE’, Teaching in Higher Education, pp. 1–16. Available at:

Costa, C. et al. (2018) ‘Higher education students’ experiences of digital learning and (dis)empowerment’, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 34(3), pp. 140–152.

Cox, A.M. (2021) ‘Exploring the impact of Artificial Intelligence and robots on higher education through literature-based design fictions’, International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 18(1), p. 3. Available at:

Dawson, S. (2006) ‘The impact of institutional surveillance technologies on student behaviour’, Surveillance & Society, 4(1/2). Available at:

Debussche, J., César, J. and De Moortel, I. (no date) Big Data & Issues & Opportunities: Trust, Surveillance and Free WillBird & Bird. Available at: .

Gilliard, C. (2017) ‘Pedagogy and the Logic of Platforms’, EDUCAUSE Review, July/August 2017. Available at: .

Gregory, K. and singh, s.s. (2018) ‘Anger in Academic Twitter: Sharing, Caring, and Getting Mad Online’, tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society, 16(1), pp. 176–193. Available at:

Hall, R. (2013) ‘Educational technology and the enclosure of academic labour inside public higher education’, Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, 11(3).

Heath, M.K. (2021) ‘Buried treasure or Ill-gotten spoils: the ethics of data mining and learning analytics in online instruction’, Educational Technology Research and Development, 69(1), pp. 331–334. Available at:

Hyslop-Margison, E. and Rochester, R. (2016) ‘Assessment or Surveillance? Panopticism and Higher Education’, Philosophical Inquiry in Education, 24(1), pp. 102–109.

Ifenthaler, D. and Schumacher, C. (2016) ‘Student perceptions of privacy principles for learning analytics’, Educational Technology Research and Development, 64(5), pp. 923–938. Available at:

Jones, K.M.L. and VanScoy, A. (2019) ‘The syllabus as a student privacy document in an age of learning analytics’, Journal of Documentation, 75(6), pp. 1333–1355. Available at:

Kayas, O.G., Assimakopoulos, C. and Hines, T. (2020) ‘Student evaluations of teaching: emerging surveillance and resistance’, Studies in Higher Education, pp. 1–12. Available at:

Knox, D. (2010) ‘A Good Horse Runs at the Shadow of the Whip: Surveillance and Organizational Trust in Online Learning Environments’, Canadian Journal of Media Studies, 7(1).

Kwet, M. and Prinsloo, P. (2020) ‘The “smart” classroom: a new frontier in the age of the smart university’, Teaching in Higher Education, 25(4), pp. 510–526. Available at:

Land, R. and Bayne, S. (2002) ‘Screen or Monitor? Surveillance and disciplinary power in online learning environments’, in Improving Student Learning using Learning Technology. Oxford: OCSLD, pp. 125–38.

Li, W. et al. (2020) ‘Disparities in Students’ Propensity to Consent to Learning Analytics’. Available at:

Lin, Y.-W. (2017) ‘A reflective commentary of teaching critical thinking of privacy and surveillance in UK higher education’, Big Data & Society, 4(1). Available at:

Lorenz, C. (2012) ‘If You’re So Smart, Why Are You under Surveillance? Universities, Neoliberalism, and New Public Management’, Critical Inquiry, 38(3), pp. 599–629. Available at:

Macfarlane, B. (2013) ‘The Surveillance of Learning: A Critical Analysis of University Attendance Policies: The Surveillance of Learning’, Higher Education Quarterly, 67(4), pp. 358–373. Available at:

Macfarlane, B. (2014) ‘Student performativity in higher education: converting learning as a private space into a public performance’, Higher Education Research & Development, 34(2), pp. 338–350.

Maistry, S. (2015) ‘Accountability and surveillance: New mechanisms of control in higher education’, Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa, 88(1), pp. 25–35. Available at:

Melgaço, L. (2015) ‘Multiple Surveillance on the Digitized Campus’, Radical Pedagogy, 12(1), pp. 1524–6345.Morris, S.M. and Stommel, J. (2017) ‘A Guide for Resisting Edtech: the Case against Turnitin’, Hybrid Pedagogy[Preprint]. Available at: (Accessed: 31 October 2019).

O’Leary, M. (2013) ‘Surveillance, performativity and normalised practice: the use and impact of graded lesson observations in Further Education colleges’, Journal of Further and Higher Education, 37(5), pp. 694–714. Available at:

Prinsloo, P. (2017) ‘Fleeing from Frankenstein’s monster and meeting Kafka on the way: Algorithmic decision-making in higher education’, E-Learning and Digital Media, 14(3), pp. 138–163. Available at:

Prinsloo, P. and Slade, S. (2015) ‘Student privacy self-management: implications for learning analytics’, in Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Learning Analytics And Knowledge – LAK ’15the Fifth International Conference, Poughkeepsie, New York: ACM Press, pp. 83–92. Available at:

Roberts, L.D. et al. (2016) ‘Student Attitudes toward Learning Analytics in Higher Education: “The Fitbit Version of the Learning World”’, Frontiers in Psychology, 7. Available at:

Ross, J. and Macleod, H. (2018) ‘Surveillance, (dis)trust and teaching with plagiarism detection technology’, in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Networked Learning 2018Networked Learning, Zagreb. Available at: 

Rubel, A. and Jones, K.M.L. (2016) ‘Student privacy in learning analytics: An information ethics perspective’, The Information Society, 32(2), pp. 143–159. Available at:

Sacks, B., Gressier, C. and Maldon, J. (2021) ‘#REALTALK: Facebook Confessions pages as a data resource for academic and student support services at universities’, Learning, Media and Technology, 0(0), pp. 1–14. Available at:

Santoso, L.W. and Yulia (2017) ‘Data Warehouse with Big Data Technology for Higher Education’, Procedia Computer Science, 124, pp. 93–99. Available at:

Slade, S. and Prinsloo, P. (2015) ‘Student Perspectives on the Use of their Data: Between Intrusion, Surveillance and Care’, European Journal of Open, Distance and E-learning, 18(1). Available at: (Accessed: 13 May 2020).

Slade, S., Prinsloo, P. and Khalil, M. (2019) ‘Learning analytics at the intersections of student trust, disclosure and benefit’, in Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics & KnowledgeLAK19: The 9th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference, Tempe AZ USA: ACM, pp. 235–244. Available at:

Swauger, S. (2020) Our Bodies Encoded: Algorithmic Test Proctoring in Higher EducationHybrid Pedagogy. Available at: 6 June 2020).

Tanczer, L.M. et al. (2020) ‘Online Surveillance, Censorship, and Encryption in Academia’, International Studies Perspectives, 21(1), pp. 1–36. Available at:

Traxler, J. (2016) ‘Students and mobile devices’, ALT-J Research in Learning Technology, 18(2), pp. 149–160.

Tsai, Y.-S., Whitelock-Wainwright, A. and Gašević, D. (2020) ‘The privacy paradox and its implications for learning analytics’, in Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Learning Analytics & KnowledgeLAK ’20: 10th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, Frankfurt Germany: ACM, pp. 230–239. Available at:

Watson, C. et al. (2017) ‘Small data, online learning and assessment practices in higher education: a case study of failure?’, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 42(7), pp. 1030–1045. Available at:

Watters, A. (2020) ‘All Watched over by Machines of Loving Grace’: Care and the Cybernetic UniversityHack Education. Available at: (Accessed: 8 June 2020).

Williamson, B. (2018) ‘The hidden architecture of higher education: building a big data infrastructure for the “smarter university”’, International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 15(1), p. 12. Available at:

Williamson, B., Bayne, S. and Shay, S. (2020) ‘The datafication of teaching in Higher Education: critical issues and perspectives’, Teaching in Higher Education, 25(4), pp. 351–365. Available at:

Williamson, B., Eynon, R. and Potter, J. (2020) ‘Pandemic politics, pedagogies and practices: digital technologies and distance education during the coronavirus emergency’, Learning, Media and Technology, 45(2), pp. 107–114. Available at:

Wilson, A. et al. (2017) ‘Learning analytics: challenges and limitations’, Teaching in Higher Education, 22(8), pp. 991–1007. Available at: